Poetry is the perfect medium for the modern age.
In the days of email, instant messaging, and thousands of other means of communicating in virtually instantaneous fashion, poetry is well suited to conveying in just a few words a writer’s deepest thoughts and ideas. A few stanzas of well written poetry are as meaningful as a thousand pages of written text in other forms. Poetry is to literature what photography is to the visual arts – a snapshot of an instant in time; and perhaps a more intimate glimpse into the artist’s mind. With my poetry I have tried to paint a picture that speaks a thousand words with just a few brush strokes….
A word of caution: poetry often provides a direct glimpse into the very soul of the poet and I discourage any of my readers from “reading” (excuse the pun) too deeply into the meaning of any one of these works. Be forewarned that there is a fair amount of projecting going on in these poems – not all of them are based on my direct life experiences or the people in my life, many are based on the experiences of others. With this understanding I invite you to enjoy these works and I welcome your comments relating thereto.
PS: A very special thanks to my cousin Fabio Vettorello for putting together this awesome site in such a short time! I owe you big time cuz!